Monday, January 27, 2014

My First Adventure

Today in REACH class (Reading, ethnics, academics, culture and homework) it was a some what normal day. At least that's what it seemed like. Well, I should probably rewind. It was January 27th, 2014 -- the Monday after Celebrate Life (see below). And the speaker there had given us a challenge -- a 3-step challenge:
1.) Read the Bible at least 4 days of the week
2.) Tame your tongue!
3.) Find your strength in God.... NOT YOURSELF!!!

This challenge really spoke to me and I was like, "Okay, God, I'm ready for this. I know I can't handle this, but I know You can."

And unexpectedly in REACH class my friend Hamza asked me, "Are you religious?" It caught me off guard. I didn't know what to say. There I was reading my Bible in REACH class and all of a sudden I hear, "Are you religious?" Most people would say, "Yeah." I was reading my Bible. But, there is a big difference between Christianity and religion.

"Christianity is not a religion, and all those quotes come from Christianity.
Why is it not a religion?
Well, it mocks religion! The religious leaders were ashamed after Jesus died. Jesus himself, in his own words even mocked religion. Religion is based on rules, requirements, expectations, and mans own efforts to be loved by god. But Christianity is not based on rules. It's based on a relationship. God has no requirements or expectations of us, and he loves us so much that even if he is deserted he will still love that person. Jesus came to die for a price we couldn't pay - that's not religion, that's something I like to call Love. Christianity.

Christianity is a relationship with god, not a religion. Because of this, any sinner, any gay person, anyone and everyone can have this relationship, and they will be loved! God said 'do not judge' because in the end, he will judge us. And everyone of us, born into a Christian family or not, has flaws. So the only person we can judge is ourselves.

God is our justice. Unlike the world, he treats people equally. He has no favourites. He appoints great people to become leaders, but this is because it is the plan for these people. For people who are slightly less roles, they have such great roles in the eyes of god! God adores your righteousness.

Religion is against who you are and against love. But Christianity, God, is not. God is trying to change your ways of human nature, because it is that human nature that kept you and him apart for so long. That's the reason Jesus came - forgiveness, salvation, acceptance.

So this argument is one concerning religions. It doesn't concern Christianity."


And that's pretty much what I told him. My first adventure, and I sure am ready for more!!! :)

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